Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In My Mailbox (01)

In My Mail Box is a weekly meme started by The Story Siren.

I was at one of the local libraries last week, and spotted a copy of THE HUNGER GAMES in a young adult shelf. I was surprised to find it with all the older books, when everyone is buzzing about the trilogy and the recent release of the final volume MOCKINGJAY. I guess the librarians over here are not so up to date with the publishing world's buzzed about books.

I checked the copy out, hoping to love it as much as everyone else, and I read about a hundred pages before closing the book and deciding to order the three books. I just knew, from those first 100 pages, that THE HUNGER GAMES would be the kind of story I'd want to own (and re-read later). And, so, using the last of my Barnes & Noble gift card, I ordered a boxed set of the trilogy. If you don't already have them, here's a link where you can buy it 40% off.

After a week (much longer than the promised 3 days, but whatever), I opened my door to see a box lying on the floor! And my trilogy was in there. Hardcovers! In a super cute box!

I'm super excited about this, because I finally get to catch up with everyone else. And I'll finally be able to read all the spoilery reviews on my favorite publishing people's websites! And for a spoiler slut, it's been so hard to fight off temptation!

Time for some reading now!

If you've been living under a rock (or don't like reading, but is curious about what this is all about), you can learn more about the awesomesauce author Suzanne Collins and her books here.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Music Monday: Songs from AUDREY, WAIT!

California high school student Audrey Cuttler dumps self-involved Evan, the lead singer of a little band called The Do Gooders. Evan writes, "Audrey, Wait!," a break-up song that's so good it rockets up the billboard charts. And Audrey is suddenly famous!

Now rabid fans are invading her school. People is running articles about her arm-warmers. The lead singer of the Lolitas wants her as his muse. (And the Internet is documenting her every move!) Audrey can't hang out with her best friend or get with her new crush without being mobbed by fans and paparazzi.

Take a wild ride with Audrey as she makes headlines, has outrageous amounts of fun, confronts her ex on MTV, and gets the chance to show the world who she really is.

(summary taken from the book's official website)


Every chapter in Audrey, Wait! starts with a song verse that reflects the main character's mood or life. Robin Benway, the author, has awesome music taste and likes many of the bands I like - and even some that I hadn't heard of before. Because the book has over 30 (mostly short) chapters, I split the playlist in two. Here's part one!


To learn more about author Robin Benway and her other books, visit her website here.

The One With Purpose

Although I’ve always loved keeping journals and writing stories, blogging about my life was never something I particularly wished to do. Homework didn’t sound interesting enough and even I was aware that my high school friendship drama was not important in The Big Scheme of Things. Besides, what if someone I knew happened to stumble upon my blog? I used to go to school with lots of vapid teenagers that did little more than spend their time online, and someone would’ve found out eventually.

Blogging about my feelings was also out of question. Sure, the Internet is supposed to allow you to be anonymous, but I could never understand why people would be okay with making their most intimate musings and thoughts public – even if they didn’t share their name or location. Besides, I developed a habit of keeping journals very early on (I think my first one is from when I was six or seven years old). And I’ve always been a little paranoid, what explains why my child self bought journals with locks and spent hours coming up with elaborate code languages that nobody else would understand.

I’ve never really cared too much about fashion. Yes, there are over fifty pairs of shoes in my closet, but that doesn’t mean I own any designer shoes or can tell a Manolo from a Loubotin just by looking at the heel structure. I like makeup, as long as it is super colorful and on the face of models in high concept fashion photo shoots. I’m pretty picky about the clothes I wear, but spending more than $20 on a t-shirt is just a waste of money (and $20 is already pushing it). Obviously, a fashion blog was not in my future.

Every now and then I’d get a new idea for a blog, but my procrastination would get in the way or I would find a website that was eerily similar to my idea, and all efforts would be abandoned.

Then, one day, I had an epiphany! It should’ve been clear all along, but people have a funny way of not seeing what’s right in their faces. The two things I’ve always loved the most and that were constantly in my Top Five Favorite Things In The Universe EVER were reading and writing. So why not make a blog about those things?

There was only one problem with that idea: I didn’t really tell anyone that I liked writing that way. I guess everyone had an idea that I enjoyed it, because I was frequently scribbling away in my journals or scraps of paper. But not a lot of people knew that I wanted to be a writer one day. I didn’t even need to use my ten fingers to count the number of people I knew that liked to read for fun, like me, so I didn’t tell anyone about my dreams/hopes/goals/ambitions of eventually publishing a story.

A lot has happened between the days I first toyed with the idea of writing a blog about books and writing, and today, when I’m writing this post. The details are many and would take too long to number (and they involve a lot of Really Personal Crap that I wouldn’t want to make public all over the online world – even if I doubt most of my friends will read this).

I’ve decided that it doesn’t matter if I have one or a thousand friends that read for fun. They have best-selling book lists for a reason: people buy books and read them in their leisure time. I just don’t know a lot of people that do that. Keeping my blog will be a great way to share my love for books and writing, while letting me contact others with similar interests!

I have themed posts planned for each day of the week, so I’m going to try and post daily. My posts will be about books (reviews, trivia, etc) and writing (advice, ideas, ect). However, I’m a college student and classes start in two (gulp!) days, so my schedule may get a little hectic. Shorter updates will be posted on my Twitter (where I try to post sparingly) and there may be some personal stuff that doesn’t fit here on my Tumblr page.

At the moment, I have many ideas (and beginnings of first drafts) for a few WIP. I’m trying to find a voice to focus on and it’s been a little hard, but I have so many characters in my mind and they all have awesome stories. I just need to find the ones worth telling (first). When I figure out what I’m going to focus on, this blog – and any readers – will be the first to know!

I hope you enjoy the ride!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Music Monday: Songs from "Audrey, Wait!" by Robin Benway - Part I

California high school student Audrey Cuttler dumps self-involved Evan, the lead singer of a little band called The Do Gooders. Evan writes, "Audrey, Wait!," a break-up song that's so good it rockets up the billboard charts. And Audrey is suddenly famous!

Now rabid fans are invading her school. People is running articles about her arm-warmers. The lead singer of the Lolitas wants her as his muse. (And the Internet is documenting her every move!) Audrey can't hang out with her best friend or get with her new crush without being mobbed by fans and paparazzi.

Take a wild ride with Audrey as she makes headlines, has outrageous amounts of fun, confronts her ex on MTV, and gets the chance to show the world who she really is.

(summary taken from the book's official website)


Every chapter in Audrey, Wait! starts with a song verse that reflects the main character's mood or life. Robin Benway, the author, has awesome music taste and likes many of the bands I like - and even some that I hadn't heard of before. Because the book has over 30 (mostly short) chapters, I split the playlist in two. Here's part one!

To learn more about author Robin Benway and her other books, visit her website here.